
149 Km/h On 401, Won't Fight It, Minor Or Major?

Author: regretfulspeeder

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149 Km/h On 401, Won't Fight It, Minor Or Major?

Unread post by regretfulspeeder »

Hello, I recieved a 149 km/h on the 401. Not going to make excuses, I regret it and wasn't a normal thing I normally do.

The officer said I was going faster and reduced it but gave me a second ticket as well for not stopping before turning right at the red light...

Up till now I've had a clean record, 26 years old, full G driving for a long time, my insurance is with Allstate and I have 1st time minor conviction waiver.

Can anyone advise on my situation, I'm not really looking to fight it as this was already reduced from an over 50km/h and most places I've read have said anything between 1-49km/h holds the same value in the eyes of insurance. Can someone please confirm that and any idea what my premiums would increase by next year? are we looking at double increase? (2 minor convictions)? or is this a 1 major and 1 minor.

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Re: 149 Km/h On 401, Won't Fight It, Minor Or Major?

Unread post by bend »

Insurance will split all convictions into three categories. Those are minor, major, serious.

Typically, these are how speeding convictions are split.

Minor - Speeding - any type, except when listed as major or serious.

Major - Improper passing/speeding in a school or playground zone.

Serious - Speeding 50 kph or more over the speed limit.

The exemption would be speeding when it's considered stunting. Since the new rules recently went in, speeding 40+ in an 80 or less zone could now be considered stunting. That would fall into the serious category regardless if it was 40-49.

Lots of people ask what their insurance payment will look like. It's not something that anyone here is going to be able to answer for you.

Two minor convictions likely wont push you into a "high risk" category. However, all bets are off with one serious conviction. You're also going to be walking a tight rope for the next three years because one more conviction will likely change that.

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Re: 149 Km/h On 401, Won't Fight It, Minor Or Major?

Unread post by regretfulspeeder »

On the ticket it said speeding 149km/h in a 100 km/h and it’s $359 total payable. So in that scenario I got lucky that it won’t fall under the serious conviction for the exemption that you listed?

I’m basically looking at 2 minor infractions is that correct?

And yes point definitely taken, I will have to be driving on best behaviour to not get put over the edge with another infraction, which is normally how I drive it was just a 1 time out of character scenario for me.

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Re: 149 Km/h On 401, Won't Fight It, Minor Or Major?

Unread post by bend »

In terms of insurance, they'd both be considered minor.

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Re: 149 Km/h On 401, Won't Fight It, Minor Or Major?

Unread post by bend »

Just to add, you can always call your insurance provider anonymously and ask them the same question for piece of mind.

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