
Should I Take This Plea? My Lawyer Is Being Unhelpful.

Author: Jacallinsees

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Should I Take This Plea? My Lawyer Is Being Unhelpful.

Unread post by Jacallinsees »

Hey all

*40 y/o female, clean record, last ticket over 10 years ago.

Charged with a stunt ticket - excessive speed. 30 day license suspension, automatic 14 day impound completed. Whole circumstances sketchy.

LiDar says 95km in a 60 but on the suv beside me, not my motorcycle.

Second officer says he paces me at 110-115 but loses sight of me twice.

There is much more to the story but whatever.

Hired a traffic lawyer - he obtained my disclosure and allegedly “negotiated a deal” (reading this forum I understand thats not necessarily true at all so thats cool) for Careless Driving instead of Stunt.

$1000 fine instead of $2000. No jail time (I wouldnt have served jail time ANYWAY you scary jerk)

No further license suspension instead of mandatory 1-3 years. He says he elicited sympathy from the prosecutor to get that by “telling my story”. I have to accept that plea or risk trial for stunt. He refuses to discuss how he would play out the defense strategy etc instead continues to try to convince me to “take the plea with no risk”. I can’t afford insurance. Radar does not match stunt racing requirements. 95 puts me at 35 over - not stunt speed. Pacing methods were sketchy at best. 115 puts me in stunt.

He did not include in my disclosure this “plea deal” he “negotiated”. Other people here said that automatically came with their disclosure when they were self representing.

Can someone help me out here with what I’m supposed to do? I feel pressured and unheard to take this plea and it really is just as detrimental. I have all the specifics of my case available if needed.

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Re: Should I Take This Plea? My Lawyer Is Being Unhelpful.

Unread post by bend »

In terms of insurance, offenses are placed into three separate brackets. There's "minor," "major," and "serious."

All offenses are divided into these categories and are treated the same.

Careless driving and stunting both fall under the serious bracket. In terms of insurance, there's going to be no difference whatsoever.

The absolute ideal offer for your particular scenario would be speeding at anything below 40. It would be considered minor and would likely be the difference between driving again or taking an uber. If that ever becomes an option, take it and run.

Once you're in the serious bracket, you might be forced into high risk insurance or facility for the next 3 years.

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