Hwybear i know this for a fact.
by law phone companies, internet companies keep a record of everything you do for criminal purposes.
I think for phone calls and e-mails in the states it is like 6 months or something.
And phone records are way easier.
The police would have no problem doing that.
All you would do is call them. You guys already have access to them. I am sure you guys investigate accidents all the time. They already pay big bucks for people to "re construct accidents"
They'll even close a road off for hours and inconvenience thousands of people.
So a officer calling a phone company asking for a phone record at a certain time and is not a big deal is it?
It would take ten minutes or so.
Phone companies record calls how else would they bill you?
If you get caught doing bad stuff online they can look at your history, e-mail etc with a warrant.
Even if you needed a warrant don't tell me it would be a big deal to call a phone company asking for a record of phone calls on one day of a month.
Police will go way further then that for other investigations. I know this is not a big deal.
Reflections okay people will run, but maybe they wont talk? If someone does something bad already why wont they run.
Lots of people would rather run rather then pay thousands for auto insurance.
i think the biggest thing the province and state makes when setting laws or speed limits is people arent stupid.
They have their own opinions and thoughts to.
Just cause a rule is set does not mean people will listen to it.
Let's be realistic they're is way more people speed than get caught, way more that drink and drive that don't get caught, way more aggressive drivers then they say, and probably more accidents and collisions.
I got another idea. How about We wont cover medical insurance for those using phones to get into accidents. They can pay the bill themselves?
Or what about those fat people and those who smoke who stress our medicare system.
I mean you guys all hate speeders right. But you will always say they had a choice to not go 50 over.
I mean people have a choice not to smoke to, they also have a choice to not be obese and ruin their hearts.
So what now will Ontario ban fast food to?
This cell phone law does absolutely noting, i tried a hands free set. Its annoying you gotta fart around, talk louder, frankly its a bigger annoyance and a hassle. Then you gotta have a cord up to your window and probably get pulled over cause some cop thinks your using a radar detector.
Im sick of the Nany state. I can make my own decisions, and judge danger/risk for myself. I am sure plenty off others are like this to.
All things depend. I know when to use my phone. I also know i don't drive as fast in city traffic as i do in the middle of the night on a 3 lane highway.
Forced Insurance, medicare, etc. The list goes on. I think they hamper peoples decision and they do stupid things.
I wonder if less people would smoke if they knew later on in life they would be responsible to foot the bill of any complications from cigarettes.
Why don't insurance companies do this.
For all of you that hate speeders. What if they said your on your own for driving drunk?
You can suspend their license but they will drive. You can give them a ticket and they will pay for it. But don't you think it would send a stronger message if they drove drunk crashed their car into a river and were responsible for the medical charges, the damage to the car, hurting someone else, damaging public property.
I am just trying to make a point, its not perfect but then again that calls into question the whole object of insurance contracts.
For speed limits how come we never see people come here and complain about getting tickets in down town toronto?
Well of course 50 there is fast. With lanes stopping, trucks parked on side of the road, pedestrians running across the road, construction, 1 way streets.
I cant imagine driving fast in downtown Toronto its hard enough as it is. But 100 on the 401 with 3 lanes and a huge concrete barrier at 3 am in the morning?
We always here people getting tickets for that but never speeding way over on city streets.
I mean how can you even consider 50 over in a school zone, with 50 over on a controlled access super highway?