
Failure To Stop/disobey Stop Sign

Author: 3inthree

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Failure To Stop/disobey Stop Sign

Unread post by 3inthree »

the day after a nasty snow storm, on an icy road, I attempted to stop at an intersection before my bus run.

I applied the brakes at least 3-4 bus lengths before the intersection but was on black ice... I slid.... avoided a car turning right but finally stopped across one lane of the intersecting roadway.

then a small car collided with my bus.... no damage done to either vehicle...because my own children (students) were on the bus, the police had to be called.... because the police were called, I was charged...

Can I fight this due to road conditions... the road had not been sanded... while waiting for the police (35 min) and while they were in attendance, three cars slid through the stop sign and two buses reported it was slippery.

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Unread post by hwybear »

No such thing as "black ice"! Ice is ice!

You can fight any ticket you want and let a JP decide

Above is merely a suggestion/thought and in no way constitutes legal advice or views of my employer.
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