What To Do After You Pay A Ticket You Shouldn't Have Paid...
Due to missinformation or ignorance?
I paid my fines for 2 tickets; fail to provide ownership and fail to provide insurence. I now know i should have checked not guilty and mailed them in.
(the papers were in the car. I was looking for them but was distracted by a badgering 2nd officer who was attempting to identify my passenger. I found them when i stopped for coffee later.)
Is there anythig i can do now the tickets are paid? It was a good chunk f cash.... How long do i have to do something about it?
You might be able to appeal. When did you pay your tickets? I'm not sure what the timeline for appeal is though.
"The hardest thing to explain is the obvious"
Ontario Traffic Ticket | Ontario Highway Traffic Act
OFFENCE DATE 2009/04/17
I am guessing i paid it in July or begining of August. On that same date as above, i received 2 other tickets. On with the one above for fail to provide ownership (which i paid) and one 10 minutes later for dissobeying a road sign. I ASSUME te disobeye was quashed because i was told by the ticketing officer that it was 0 points. I would think 5 months later the ticket would have been mailed with order to pay on it....
What do the dates above mean though. Offence date is april but ticket date is June?? Whyisnt the ownership ticket there? I paid the fine for it! Anyway those 2 tickets i now regret paying. At the time i wasn't sure what my options were and the way the police were acting i didn't want to have aything to do with them or see them again (i was a bit far from home).
So it's been a couple months...
ponyboyt wrote:2009/06/02 FAIL TO HAVE INSURANCE CARD - C.A.I.A.OFFENCE DATE 2009/04/17
I am guessing i paid it in July or begining of August. On that same date as above, i received 2 other tickets. On with the one above for fail to provide ownership (which i paid) and one 10 minutes later for dissobeying a road sign. I ASSUME te disobeye was quashed because i was told by the ticketing officer that it was 0 points. I would think 5 months later the ticket would have been mailed with order to pay on it....
What do the dates above mean though. Offence date is april but ticket date is June?? Whyisnt the ownership ticket there? I paid the fine for it! Anyway those 2 tickets i now regret paying. At the time i wasn't sure what my options were and the way the police were acting i didn't want to have aything to do with them or see them again (i was a bit far from home).
So it's been a couple months...
I guess having OCD and reading everything that is readable on all the labels, would have prevented that easily enough...
"The hardest thing to explain is the obvious"
Ontario Traffic Ticket | Ontario Highway Traffic Act
rofl... I have no clue what you are trying to say but it looks weird, who has OCD and who should have read what?
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You get a ticket for having no documents.
You later the same day find the document is the car.
Days or weeks later you pay the fines despite knowing you had found the documents in the car.
Can you appeal or get a new trial?
Maybe but you won't win.
You did not produce the documents when demand by the officer.
That's what matters, in my view.
For me, this is a area where cars should be impounded. If you don't have you licence with you and another licenced driver who has their licence with them is not available to drive the car then it should be taken off the road.
Giving you a ticket for the offence and letting you drive off does nothing. You're still driving without a licence on you.
If the insurance slip cannot be produced, giving you a ticket and letting you drive off does nothing, too, you're still driving without the insurance slip.
it was 2 am 100+ km's from home. I was looking for the doc's in the car and repeatedly told him i had them therey were in the car. I HAD shown him my insurence. Welll guess what, im forgetting to also mention some other stuff. This is when i had first gotten my caddy, i had a pink slip for my other 2 vehicles but the caddy wasnt on it. I argued tht OBVIOUSLY the car was insured because i had JUST gotten the plates stickerd a couple weeks ago. I have the insurence WITH the ownership in this car somewhere, here is the slip from my wallet that i carry with me. It has the same policy number, the car is insured.
After being stopped AGAIN 10-20 minutes later, i was pretty much fed up with them and didnt want to go back, so i paid the fine so my license wouldnt get suspended.
All they cared about was my passenger. The entire time i was stopped, they badgered me about the passenger. They said "fine if you dont wanna be honest with us, ill just find something wrong with the car." I produced the 2 week old safty and e-test papers. Did everything i could to show them there was nothing "crimminal" or ill-intent going on at all, but here i am with 2 tickets, and then a third, which i belive were given out of SPITE.
The disobeye sign ticket 10 minutes later was because i drove down a road that had a "road closed" sign on it. My passenger lived on that street. I didnt drop him off because the police were following us, we figured they were doing so to see where he lived as i had told them earlier i was on my way to that town to drop him off.
This is why i paid the fine. I realise later now that was probably a mistake, so im trying to see if there is any way to correct it.
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