
Wrong Address For The Court

Author: sermar

Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:32 am

Wrong Address For The Court

Unread post by sermar »

I got a ticket on October 2011 for "Fail to come to Stop at Intersection".

The same day I went to the Court and ask for a Trial.

I call few times without success asking any update for the trial date.

Last week I received a letter from the Ministry of Transportation that my licence was suspended for unpaid ticket.

I call the Court and I told them that I never received the notice to appear or any request for payment of the fine etc...

They told me that they send all to the wrong address (the postal code was completely wrong) and different from the one I have in the my driver licence and the Notice of Offence.

I paid the ticket because I need my driver licence back; the Court clerk indicated to me that if I ask for new trial date, my driver licence is not renew until I get my new date in Court and ask after to reopen the case.

Can anyone please tell me if the clerk information were accurate and what are my options?

Thank you in advance.

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