
Hands Free Only Ocober 26, 2009

Author: Off_Camber

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Hands Free Only Ocober 26, 2009

Unread post by Off_Camber »

so I wonder if the OPP going to be out Monday morning handing out tickets for talking on the cell phone tommorow :idea:

wonder how much this is going to backlog the courts now--because im thinking, alot of people just arent going to get it..

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Unread post by Proper1 »

OHTA store sounds like a good idea so, being a loyal member, I go there to buy a bluetooth headset. Plantronics Explorer 330. $18.54. They won't ship it to Canada. Next?

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Proper1 wrote:OHTA store sounds like a good idea so, being a loyal member, I go there to buy a bluetooth headset. Plantronics Explorer 330. $18.54. They won't ship it to Canada. Next?

Sorry about that, we have taken out the ones that do not ship to Canada.

All the ones listed now will ship to Canada! :D


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Unread post by Reflections »

I picked up a Motorola H780 and it is very nice to use. Lightweight and echo runs for about $100 but you can find it on sale...... OR
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Unread post by Squishy »

There are also some Bluetooth modules that will clip onto your visor and run from batteries. I'll make an uneducated WAG that a conversation in stereo will be slightly less distracting than a voice in just one ear.

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Unread post by ElectricMayhem »

It doesn't matter whether you're holding the phone to your ear or talking through a bluetooth system. You're just as distracted either way. The law is suboptimal; they should have banned cellular phone use altogether.

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Unread post by Bookm »

ElectricMayhem wrote:...they should have banned cellular phone use altogether.

I agree with that statement. But the problem is technology has created small businesses that can easily operate out of a simple pickup truck. Many self employed individuals don't even have an office or a shop. Their tools are in the truck and the cell phone is the critical link to the client.

I'm not saying it's a good thing. I'm just saying that's the way it is. If you think a guy is going to ignore his ringing phone (= money), you're just kidding yourself.

The bluetooth earpiece works great if you have it all setup and tested for volume and such. But most guys will just stick their phone up the side of their ball cap (I suspect).

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Unread post by Squishy »

ElectricMayhem wrote:It doesn't matter whether you're holding the phone to your ear or talking through a bluetooth system. You're just as distracted either way. The law is suboptimal; they should have banned cellular phone use altogether.

There are supposedly studies suggesting that it is even more distracting to use hands-free than using a physical phone. I was comparing distraction levels with the two hands-free types - earpiece and visor module (or built-in car module).

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Unread post by Marquisse »

I never had much use for cellphones up until very recently when I bought a cheap phone for emergency purposes only. I drive a lot now to get to and from work/school and home and enrolled in CAA as well for extra roadside protection. I bought a bluetooth for $19.99 at Walmart along with my pay-as-you-go Virgin Mobile (this past September) and it works great. Both phone and bluetooth, including a $50.00 card, cost me about $160.00 total (love Wal-mart sales). I have the volume set up perfectly, and set up voice activated calling.

Part of the reason I never owned a cellphone was because where I used to live was in a valley in Toronto that was a "dead" zone for cell phones and I travelled to work by subway, another dead zone for cell phones. I couldn't justify a cell phone with my lifestyle, so I did without and got used to it. When I did get one, I found it too distracting to talk and drive.

Things have changed for me now that I've bought my house and live a considerable distance from work and school, and I find the bluetooth option to be safer, especially so given I have to touch nothing except the button on my bluetooth when I want to make a call. It's a kin to scratching my ear. The only time I find it slightly distracting is when I am initiating a call and I do that only at stoplights/exit ramps.

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Unread post by hwybear »

Squishy wrote:
ElectricMayhem wrote:It doesn't matter whether you're holding the phone to your ear or talking through a bluetooth system. You're just as distracted either way. The law is suboptimal; they should have banned cellular phone use altogether.

There are supposedly studies suggesting that it is even more distracting to use hands-free than using a physical phone. .

it all comes down as to WHO is paying for the study and what they want it to accomplish to benefit them.....or if no one paying the study....WHAT do they want the study to show?

The benefit to the hands free is that drivers now actually have 2 hands to drive the car and that is it.

Above is merely a suggestion/thought and in no way constitutes legal advice or views of my employer.
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Unread post by Off_Camber »

and MY question is:


you aint a real trucker unless you can talk on the cb,shift gears and sip a coffee and puff a cigarette all while making a right turn :lol:

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