
Plate Stickers

Author: beleafer81

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Plate Stickers

Unread post by beleafer81 »

Hi all!

I have a question about plate stickers. For whatever reason lately while at redlights I have been checking out the plate stickers of the vehicles in front of me. There are actualy quite a few outdated ones. Worst so far was November 09. Anyways yesterday I saw a silver sunfire that had a funny sticker in place of a validation sticker. It was just a orange or red T on a white background. Looked the same size as a legit sticker but obviously I guessing its not legit. Anyone care to tell me if it is legitimate or what it means?

Also got me thinking.... i have seen cars that have plate stickers that are yellow and black horisontal lines and a few numbers inside. Anyone know what that means and who would have them. police, gov't ect. Its been a while since I have seen those plate stickers though.

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Unread post by fortec_man »

The T stickers are temporary ones... they got rid of temporary plates and replaced them with temporary valtags on permanent plates. The striped ones are on Ont gov't vehicles because they don't require valtags every year.

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Unread post by Off_Camber »

reason your seeing so many valtags expired is because of the farse the 407 puts people in for "Plate Denial".

And quite whonestly, another reason is that The Government of Ontario is collecting an extra $65 for VUT (vehicle use tax) for those residing in the 416 area code which I personally believe needs to be challenged in court.

As for the 407--- what a heap a BS. A privatized foreign Corporation having that much clout over the province of Ontario to refuse plates or stickers---basically using the Government of Ontario as a collection agency, then holding you hostage. What next---letting bell Canada refuse you a license for not paying your phone bill? :roll:

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Unread post by ditchMD »

I've always had a question regarding the yellow and black validation tags. Which vehicles/agencies qualify for their use? OPP has them, but not municipal police, Fire Depts use them, but not EMS....

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Unread post by ditchMD »

Simon Borys wrote: municipal services don't.

Then why would municipal fire departments have them? Must be the work of the IAFF....

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