
Paid Ticket 3 Days Late, Will My License Be Suspended?

Author: omgbbq

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Paid Ticket 3 Days Late, Will My License Be Suspended?

Unread post by omgbbq »

Hello all,

I received a ticket for driving in the diamond lane by myself (bylaw999/132933a) on April 6, I forgot about the issue until i received a notice of conviction in June.

The due date for the fine/court cost/victim fee was June 16, I have just paid the ticket via online payment today, June 19.

The amount owed was $85 which I have paid in full, but because I am paying late would there be a late penalty associated with the offense?

According to the conviction notice, it states my license MAY be suspended, What is the likelihood of this happening?

I would appreciate any help/advice on this matter,

Best Regards.

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Simon Borys
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Re: Paid Ticket 3 Days Late, Whill My License Be Suspended?

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Were you charged under a city by-law or were you charged under the HTA for improper use of the high occupancy vehicle lane? If it is the high occupancy vehicle lane you are referring to by the "diamond lane", I don't think city's have the authority to make by-laws about how you can or can't drive in it.

Your licence doesn't normally get suspended for unpaid (or late) by-law tickets, even if they are driving related, because they are not part of your driver's licence history.

If you paid a regular provincial offences ticket for an HTA charge 3 days past the 15 day window it is still unlikely to result in a suspended licence because the tickets aren't processed right on the 16th day. In fact, it's usually about 30-45 days before they get around to it. Still, you'd be wise to check with the MTO about the status of your licence.

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Re: Paid Ticket 3 Days Late, Whill My License Be Suspended?

Unread post by omgbbq »

Thank you for your response Simon,

I believe I was driving in a lane restricted to buses, taxis, and vehicles with more than 1 occupant during the morning rush hour.

according to the actual ticket and my best interpretation of the officers writing,

commit the offence of: "Drive w/o designated vehicle in reserved lane during prohibited hours"

contrary to: "metropolitan Toronto by-laws sect 3(a)"

and according to the conviction notice, I have been convicted of the following offence: "BYLAW 999/132933a"

If a suspension were to occur, how soon after the due date would the suspension be applied?

Thank you for your help,

Best Regards.

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Re: Paid Ticket 3 Days Late, Whill My License Be Suspended?

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You won't get a suspension in this case. It was a by-law infraction, similar to a parking ticket. The only issue would be renewing your plates, but if you've kept proof of payment, you should be able to dispute it easily.

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Re: Paid Ticket 3 Days Late, Whill My License Be Suspended?

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Thank you, I appreciate your insight.

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Simon Borys
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Re: Paid Ticket 3 Days Late, Whill My License Be Suspended?

Unread post by Simon Borys »

Radar Identified wrote:You won't get a suspension in this case.

I agree. Suspension is very unlikely. Also, interesting bylaw, I was not aware of that one.

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Re: Paid Ticket 3 Days Late, Will My License Be Suspended?

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I think Toronto's Diamond Lanes were around before HOV lanes existed in Ontario. I remember those being just the taxi/bus/bike lanes before the "3 or more persons" signs were added in the mid-90s. That's why Toronto has its own "HOV lane" bylaw.

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Re: Paid Ticket 3 Days Late, Will My License Be Suspended?

Unread post by Radar Identified »

Squishy wrote:I think Toronto's Diamond Lanes were around before HOV lanes existed in Ontario.

Yes they were.

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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