
Turn Not In Safety Ticket - Left Turn Collision

Author: nikhilvirmani

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Turn Not In Safety Ticket - Left Turn Collision

Unread post by nikhilvirmani »


I was making a left turn on a 4 way intersection on a busy street during evening rush hour. I pulled up to the center of the intersection when the light turned amber and waited a few secs. to check if my path was clear. I took the turn and to my horror, a speeding car came out of nowhere hit me on the front passenger side tire and i'm sure the light must've turned red at the time of collision but sadly I was driving alone and had no witnesses. It is my wife's car, 2 weeks old and only 800 kms. done!! I got a ticket - Turn not in safety, $110 fine with 2 demerit points, front right tire bent, axle broke and a dent on the fender and rear door, bumper. The officer was polite and mentioned that he'll include a note stating that I was polite, cordial and co-operative at the scene.

This is my first accident/ticket!!! Im 30 years old with a G class license.

I'm seeking help from all of you as I want to tread with caution! Many thanks in advance for this forum and for all your help!

First things first, I called my insurance co. to let them know that my car has been towed away to the body shop and got a rental car.

I have 15 days to decide which option to pick on my ticket. I cant decide between option 2 or 3 because I know it is my fault! Is it worth picking option 3 as I think if its decided that i'm guilty, I will have to pay full fine and get 2 demerits (may get even worse??). But if I pick option 2, I would apologize and request for a lesser charge! Seeking your guidance on which option to pick in my case.

Also, Any tips on how to tackle with my insurance company?

Kindly advise.

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Re: Turn Not In Safety Ticket - Left Turn Collision

Unread post by Stanton »

You can't request a lesser charge with option 2, the Justice of the Peace can only reduce your fine. If you select option 3 the Crown may be able to offer you a less serious charge, but I'm not sure what they could change it to. Most likely they'll simply offer you a reduced fine.

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Re: Turn Not In Safety Ticket - Left Turn Collision

Unread post by nikhilvirmani »

Thanks for your reply! Like everyone else, I would like them to waive off the 2 points and pay whatever fine they tell me to since i've had a clean record so far.

Will choose option 3 and keep my fingers crossed!

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Radar Identified
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Re: Turn Not In Safety Ticket - Left Turn Collision

Unread post by Radar Identified »

Just to let you know: They cannot "waive" points. Demerit points are administrative and are applied by MTO based on the conviction you get in court. You'd have to plead guilty to an offence that either does not have demerit points associated with it, or be found not guilty.

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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