Is This A Fire Route?
Does anyone know for sure what those curved yellow enclosings at the side of of a row of parked cars are there for? If it indicates that it is part of the private property of the goodlife fitness center then was the parking enforcement officer wrong in issueing me a $250 fine for parking in a fire route? Are they allowed to issue parking tickets in private properties without the owners consent?
Re: Is This A Fire Route?
I think the curved yellow line is there simply to keep people from driving too close to the last parking space in the row. As for the parking ticket, parking enforcement can come on to private property without the owners permission to enforce handicapped space and fire route violations. That having been said it is unusual for them to proactively patrol a private parking lot so I think it is very likely that somebody called in a complaint.
Re: Is This A Fire Route?
If yellow lines on the pavement means no passing then it shouldn't be considered as part of a route, therefore it can't possibly be part of the fire route. Also i took pictures from all angles around that parking location and there are no visible fire route signs. There are signs in the area just not visible from that specific location. If i take this to trial, given the fact that it is private property, my car was contained within the lines of the designated parking lot and the lack of fire route signs what are my chances of getting off of this charge?
Re: Is This A Fire Route?
"If yellow lines on the pavement means no passing"
They don't, especially not in a parking lot. You weren't in a parking space, therefore you were encroaching on the fire route. Same as if you parked on the sidewalk in front of a fire route - just because you are out of the "roadway" does not mean you are not blocking a fire route.
Re: Is This A Fire Route?
It wasn't a parking space but it also wasn't a place that cars drive through. Fire routes are roads that vehicles drive through but are not allowed to park on. The point I'm trying to make is the strip of land is not a place meant for cars to drive through. The yellow lines were there to prevent cars from driving too close to the parked cars. If its not meant to be driven on how can it be a fire route. If I drove over the curb and parked on the grass it wouldn't be part of the fire route even though its not in a parking space because the fire truck wouldn't be driving through the grass. My car wasn't obstructing the path the fire truck would be driving through.
Re: Is This A Fire Route?
what if the yellow lines are there to deter vehicles from parking there as well?
i would check to see if that strip is a designated fire route, by looking at that city's by-law
i worked at 103 The Queensway, and they have Fire Route signs erected in many places but MLEOs couldn't issue the $100 fine, they could only do the $30 Private Parking fine... because City Council hadn't amended the by-law to designate that location as a Fire Route
having said that, i guess fire trucks would just rear-end vehicles out of the way if they needed to
your defence that the sign was not visible sounds like it might valid; make sure you go through the proper procedure of taking & submitting pictures; maybe even schedule a first-attendance meeting and show the crown what you have and avoid trial altogether
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