Definition Of "traffic" And "ticket"
Hello everyone,
I am looking to get the legal definition of the word "traffic" and "Ticket"
Thank you
Re: Definition Of "traffic" And "ticket"
Both of those words are not present in the definitions section of the HTA.
A "Ticket" is referred to as an "Offence Notice" [it says so on the ticket itself] and traffic will most likely follow meaning based on current popular Dictionary [Miriam Webster etc.]. And it will be most likely be agreed that the word traffic is to be used in its noun form, not the verb.
Noun: Vehicles moving on a public highway: "a stream of heavy traffic".
Re: Definition Of "traffic" And "ticket"
Hi Everyone,
If a word is not defined in the HTA, where do you look?
Interpretations Act?
I need the LEGAL definition of Driver, ticket, traffic, and operator.
I am also interested if any of these words are related to commercial activity or commerce in general.
When searching at
TRAFFIC. Commerce, trade, sale or exchange of merchandise, bills, money and the like.
DRIVER. One employed in conducting a coach, carriage, wagon, or other vehicle, with horses, mules, or other animals.
Thank you!
Re: Definition Of "traffic" And "ticket"
Also, ... c%E2%80%9D
355.1 For the purposes of sections 355.2 and 355.4, "traffic" means to sell, give, transfer, transport, export from Canada, import into Canada, send, deliver or deal with in any other way, or to offer to do any of those acts.
Do the definition's in the criminal code oversea the HTA?
Re: Definition Of "traffic" And "ticket"
Driver is defined in the HTA.
You need to look at the specific act in question for its own definitions. They are found at the beginning of the act, parts and on occasion at the start of a section.
If a word is not defined a dictionary can be used but you have to keep in mind the context of the word.
Definitions from the Criminal Code do not overrule ones in the HTA because they may be used in a different context.
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Re: Definition Of "traffic" And "ticket"
A legal dictionary is not Ontario law. To show the section Decatur mentioned...
The Highway Traffic Act states: ... _e.htm#BK0
"driver" means a person who drives a vehicle on a highway;
Nothing about commerce or anything like that. OR
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