
Definition Of 'highway'

Author: Squishy

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Unread post by Bookm »

Property line to Property line. Fences are always out of wack! ;)

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Unread post by 401Driver »

I have just heard this argument from my 2 cousins, which are both taking Criminology in Ottawa and training to be police officers.

They told me that the HTA does not apply to private property.

Now you may say, yeah no point in it applying to a Wal-Mart, but what about the 407?

The 407 is PRIVATE PROPERTY!!! It is owned by a corporation, and therefore they told me for that reason the HTA does not apply on the 407. She also told me she discussed this with police in North York, and they said it was true, that police really can only go on it if there is an accident, but can't stop anybody speeding since the HTA does not apply.

Although saying this, I have seen some OPP around Oakville on the 407. Looking like they are looking for speeders. But not like people would be aware of this, they may just pay the ticket.

Is this actually true? Or is it just a myth?

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Unread post by 401Driver »

Thanks, I will mention this to my cousins next time I see them.

I thought it weird that HTA was not enforceable on the 407.

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