Fail To Properly Wear Seat Belt - In Provincial Park
On Saturday the Family took a trip to Sandbanks Beach for a day trip. As I approached the pay counter, I took off my seat belt to pay and proceeded to drive as I was following someone else and was unaware of where I was. After a stop sign I proceeded to put my seatbelt on and as I did, a Park Warden stopped me. Asked why I wasn't wearing a seatbelt and explained to him that I just payed and was putting it on. He asked me to pull into one of the parking lots, gave him my licence and he came back with a $240 ticket. I asked him If it is necessary as I was putting it on plus I was now on a private road. He indicated the park is Provincial and falls under the HTA.
I have no idea how to proceed as this is my first ticket in 15+ years of driving. I don't want this against my insurance (even though they will waive my first conviction). I'd like to fight it.
I spoke with a co-worker that is well versed in law. He indicated it is hard to fight there really is no lesser charge to it but I should still proceed. First the ticket said I was pulled over on Outlet Beach Rd, I'm not sure how to find out if this road falls under the HTA. The street is not listed anywhere, even on google maps.
Does anyone have any other recommendations to fight this? I always obey the rules of the road and in this instance it was just a matter timing. Everyone else in my car had their seat belts on.