Failure To Disobey Stop Sign [no Right Turn]
I was ticketed for failure to obey stop sign at 7:03 AM on a STOP sign which says no right turn from 7-10 AM. This happened at the intersection of Maxome and Bishop [Near Finch Subway]. Honestly the time on my car clock was running a couple of minutes behind and I though I was okay to take a Right turn. Isn't this quite a petty ticket to be issued ? I would have graciously accepted my mistake had it been not by such a small margin. Can I dispute the ticket time ? Can someone please advise me how to fight this ticket ? Fine of $110 and 3 Demerit points seems so unfair for a couple of minutes. What are my chances of getting the charges dismissed ? The officer showed me his cell phone clock of 7:03 AM but that was after having me had over my license and insurance card which would have taken me a couple of minutes.
Please advice as this is the first time I have received anything like this and dont really know what is the right approach so that my insurance is not impacted
Re: Failure To Disobey Stop Sign [no Right Turn]
ritz wrote:What are my chances of getting the charges dismissed ?
Based on it being a so-called petty ticket? None. Pettiness is subjective to the beholder, that's why the law draws a line in the sand. That line is 7am. Compassion and/or an officers pettiness is not a defense. The question is going to be whether or not you made a right turn after 7am and before 10am. If the answer is yes, you'll lose your case.
ritz wrote:The officer showed me his cell phone clock of 7:03 AM but that was after having me had over my license and insurance card which would have taken me a couple of minutes.
This could be the start of something resembling a defense, and a better strategy than arguing "it was only 3 minutes". The problem is it's impossible to prove anything just based on this statement alone. You'll have to expand and have something to back you up. You can start with requesting disclosure and working from there.
ritz wrote:Please advice as this is the first time I have received anything like this and dont really know what is the right approach so that my insurance is not impacted
Any conviction could impact your insurance. Some companies may choose to ignore it the first time, or some will make you pay for it. It's quite possible you will receive reduction in fine and demerit points in return for your guilt, but it's still a conviction.
How far you take this is up to you, but i'd suggest you change strategies if you do take this to trial. Focus on whether it was before or after 7am, not whether it was petty.
Re: Failure To Disobey Stop Sign [no Right Turn]
Your title has me confused. What were you actually charged with? Disobey stop sign isn't the the proper charge for making a prohibited turn.
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