
Disobey Stop Sign

Author: Shorestones

Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:00 pm

Disobey Stop Sign

Unread post by Shorestones »

I am fighting a HTA 136(1)(a) violation from November of 2013. I filed a request for a trial that same week and just received the trial notice a couple of days ago. The trial date is in August. I am filing a disclosure request now and have some questions.

1) for the jurisdiction where the trial is taking place, they have a downloadable disclosure request form: ... OD=AJPERES

But on 'Ticket Combat', they said that you should not use the simplified forms when available, and should use one of the 'Ticket Combat' sample forms that allows you to explicitly request things like video footage (if available), typed hand written notes of the officer who issued the violation, etc.

Also, 'Ticket Combat' states that you should not provide them with your phone number, so that they will have to mail the disclosure material rather than call you to pick it up.

1) Should I use the downloadable form or the more elaborate 'Ticket Combat' disclosure request form? Does it matter? I am reading all sorts of stories from people who received incomplete evidence, and I wonder if this makes a difference at all.

2) If I go to the prosecutor's office at the courthouse in person to drop off the disclosure request form, will the clerk refuse to accept my request if I do not provide my phone number? I've read from others who said that this was the case when they attempted to submit a disclosure request to the clerk they were dealing with, without providing a phone contact. I am thinking of just mailing the form so they won't have a chance to refuse...


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