Transport Trucks Limited To 105 Km/h?
May i ask this question regarding transport trucks limited to 105 km/h. Moving road blocks or safety?
IMO it isnt speed that kills. I find transport trucks infact help keep the road going. With cars that choose to not move to the right and slow down the middle lane the trucks would try to pass in their passing lane therefore the slower traffic would move right.
Putting the trucks down more is just going to make our roads more dangerous. I dont think some see the law of the unseen consequences. Now your going to have trucks in the right lane or in the middle lane. They are slowing the highway down even more. IF the middle lane is only moving at 105 or the right lane is this means the slower traffic is now travelling in the 2 most left lanes.
If a truck wants to pass at 105 in the middle lane and dad in the mini van wants to go 115 then he has the whole left lane going 125-130 km. This causes road rage and tail gating. If the truck stays in the right lanes this means all the slow drivers who stay under 110 are in the middle lane.
This is messing with the flow of traffic and i see it as making the road worse.
But dont forget something else. It will now be harder to merge into the right lane.. And with our ending right lanes this will be challenging and dangerous.
Some drives have far distances to cover, they drive faster. If all the slow drivers are now in the 2 left most lanes that otherwise wouldnt be if the trucks weren't limited now these cars need to drive slower.
but they wont, they will tailgate. and if tailgating doesnt work then they will pass on the right. As we know weaving through traffic is dangerous.
The highway is safest when people drive around the 85th percentile and people obey basic rules such slower traffic moving to the right to allow faster traffic to move.
Messing with the flow of traffic and trying to artificially lower the speed limit is sure not a way to make our major highways safer.