Speeding Ticket 130km/h In 90km/h- Gardiner Expressway W
I was pulled over today for speeding at 130km/h in 90 km/h. I was driving on Gardiner Expressway westbound, from spadina/gardiner towards sherway gardens. Was ticketed at around parkside (what is written on my ticket). The officer said he had been recording my speed, but today was a clear day, light traffic, and I was following the flow of the traffic, and I think I might have actually sped up a little (it only showed maybe 126 on my speedometer at one point) because the police car was following me too closely and I was trying to get some safe distance between us before I realized what was happening as the lights went on and he pulled me over. like seriously? I know this is not a justification, but how was I supposed to drive at 90 when everyone else was driving at my speed, which apparently is way over the limit. I have been researching online for my options, and was wondering if anyone has ever used any ticket fighter services. and if anyone who has gotten a ticket recently, and decided to fight it in court (option 3), how long until you receive your court date and when that might be? as I am leaving for a two months work trip from august- november. thanks!!
Re: Speeding Ticket 130km/h In 90km/h- Gardiner Expressway W
Although police and the ministry like to promote speeding tickets as a way to keep us safe, when you take it to court to fight it, they do not have to actually prove whether the speed you were driving was actually unsafe or not. They just have to prove you were speeding. The reason you were speeding is irrelevant. So it does not matter if everybody else was speeding or not... that is irrelevent to your defense.
The excuse that is accepted for speeding is if you can prove that basically your life was in danger. Somebody driving too close to your bumper won't be accepted as you could just slow down more until they went around you.
Anyways you still have nothing to lose by reviewing disclosure before you decide whether to plead guilty or fight it.
Plead NOT GUILTY and request a trial with the officer present. Once you get your Notice of Trial with a trial date, then you can request disclosure (officers notes and manual for speed measuring device). Once you get the notes, post them here so we can review them and let you know if there is a way to fight.
Also double check the SET FINE is correct on the ticket as well.
Re: Speeding Ticket 130km/h In 90km/h- Gardiner Expressway W
jsherk wrote:Although police and the ministry like to promote speeding tickets as a way to keep us safe, when you take it to court to fight it, they do not have to actually prove whether the speed you were driving was actually unsafe or not. They just have to prove you were speeding. The reason you were speeding is irrelevant. So it does not matter if everybody else was speeding or not... that is irrelevent to your defense.
The excuse that is accepted for speeding is if you can prove that basically your life was in danger. Somebody driving too close to your bumper won't be accepted as you could just slow down more until they went around you.
Anyways you still have nothing to lose by reviewing disclosure before you decide whether to plead guilty or fight it.
Plead NOT GUILTY and request a trial with the officer present. Once you get your Notice of Trial with a trial date, then you can request disclosure (officers notes and manual for speed measuring device). Once you get the notes, post them here so we can review them and let you know if there is a way to fight.
Also double check the SET FINE is correct on the ticket as well.
thanks for your reply! i have been researching online for a few hours now, reading various forums. I understand that my reasons for speeding were not justified, but i think i am still getting over the shock of being pulled over and given a ticket for speeding, when i didn't realize i was doing anything wrong, and i always have this impression that by not following the flow of traffic, you are actually endangering yourself and others, so i always follow the flow of traffic and maintain a kept distance from the car in front of me. i think its just my damn luck that i was the last one in that "group". also, the officer was asking me if i have a good driving record and if the car belonged to me, and he was talking to me as if he was reciting from a script. I'm definitely going to fight this ticket, I'm not just sure if i should do it myself or hire a ticket fighter.
Re: Speeding Ticket 130km/h In 90km/h- Gardiner Expressway W
Don't hire anybody until AFTER you have requested disclosure and reviewed it. You can plead not guilty and get the disclosure without too much hassle and it will save you money.
After you have reviewed disclsoure, then you can decide whether to hire somebody or not.
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