
Ontario Insurance Question Regarding Multiple Drivers

Author: andrewWW

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Ontario Insurance Question Regarding Multiple Drivers

Unread post by andrewWW »

I would really appreciate some help here. I'm facing a divorce and have some tough issues.

I'm moving back home to my parents after a divorce and my 70 year old father still has a license but doesn't drive, only rents once in a while, what's worse he hasn't owned for 20 years so he's like a new driver.

As I understand there is a requirement to have him on my policy but this is absurd because I drive a Ram 3500 which he can't even get in and would never drive.

There must be some way around this, I'm not reffering to a scam but more like a legal way around. I hope that I don't have to ask him to cancel his license because that is cruel and I'm reading that in ontario they keep your license for life so to speak so that may not even be possible. I will move out in a year or two when the divorce is final and I'm out of debt, he'd be stuck with no license after this. Please somebody help, I'm going through a divorce and moving to their apartment because I'm already in financial trouble so $2000/yr more for someone to sleep in the same apartment but never drive is really over the top.

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Re: Ontario Insurance Question Regarding Multiple Drivers

Unread post by andrewWW »

I read on a forum once there is some form you can file with your broker to say nobody else will drive it, but unsure of details since the poster didn't say what province he was in. Could have been in BC or something where the ins laws are much better.

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Re: Ontario Insurance Question Regarding Multiple Drivers

Unread post by bend »

You and your father will need to fill out an excluded driver form which can be found here. Hand it off to your insurance provider and let them know you don't want him on the policy. Or you can just ask your insurance provider and they'll get you started.

Be aware that once you fill out this form, he can't drive your vehicle under any circumstances. He will be uninsured. Both you and your father can be charged if he decides to borrow your vehicle.

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Re: Ontario Insurance Question Regarding Multiple Drivers

Unread post by andrewWW »

Hi Bend. Thank you for this information, I really appreciate it. I'm disappointed that my broker didn't reveal this information to me. He was ready to take down my fathers license to begin checking him out for my policy.

I figured there must be some way around this. I had always thought of a student room mate scenario where many people live in the same house and would all have to be under someone's policy. That just wouldn't work as one person would be paying for 5 people. My father will never drive this truck, he can't even get in without my help and if he needs a ride I will gladly drive him.

thanks again


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Re: Ontario Insurance Question Regarding Multiple Drivers

Unread post by whaddyaknow »

andrewWW wrote:... I'm disappointed that my broker didn't reveal this information to me. ...

Time to start shopping for a new broker. You shouldn't have had to figure this out on your own.

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