Towing Company Booted My Car On Private Parking And Released For 250+tax
Last week I parked on private parking on Greenbank/Baseline intersection and used the wrong spot. Only half of parking spots are designated to Appletree where I had an appointment. Towing company booted my car and asked me to pay 250+tax.
I contacted City of Ottawa and was told that private parking is not regulated by city and towing company can charge wherever they want. So I paid.
I know I was wrong, but paying $250+tax for a wrong parking spot seems too much.
So next day I called City of Ottawa again and this time they told that I am not the only one who had an issue with this parking and suggested to go to small claim court. My plan is to sue plaza landlord and towing company. One mistake they made is that they were working without city authorization. I am going to use this fact in a court.
My question is has anyone else tried to do this before?
And where can I find reference to act that regulates booting procedure and penalty caps?
Basically I would appreciate any advice. I am not very experienced with parking issues solved in court.