
Disobey Official Sign 151(1)

Author: Occidio

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Disobey Official Sign 151(1)

Unread post by Occidio »

Hi all,

Got a ticket for failure to obey sign. Essentially went straight on a right turn lane when there was a traffic blitz going south from Markham Main st past Hwy 7 east.

I received my notice of trial for July 17th but I assumed this was going to be a first appearance or is this the actual trial date?

If it is the actual trial date is it too late for disclosure? Is it possible to have the date adjourned for another day?

I really don't think the officer took any notes because after writing the ticket he walked back out to the street to catch some more people. I really need to get disclosure but if he has no notes I'm assuming it should be a lot easier to have this ticket dropped. I have got the weather report from two sources for that day and photos of the intersection. Is it possible to say it was too difficult to merge into the left lane because the road is very congested in the morning.

Any help is appreciated!

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Unread post by pinch »

I don't think the officer has to supply you with any notes. Disclosure can simply be a copy of the ticket from what I've read. Maybe someone else can tell me wrong.

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Unread post by Occidio »

I know they don't have to supply any notes but I'm hoping because he didn't take any notes he won't be able to recall anything from memory. If that happens it will be a positive for me!

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Unread post by Occidio »

Well just went to court on Friday, was all prepared to discredit the police officer but I didn't have to do anything as the prosecutor withdrew my ticket due to "wrong charge". I pretty much knew I was home free when she didn't bother to offer me a deal.

I want to say thanks to this community for all the information. Even if I did go to trial I believe I was prepared enough to win regardless!

Thanks all.

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