
Traffic Stops Providing Id

Author: CoolChick

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Unread post by Lawman »

Youre ignoring the details in this case.

The cop saw what driveway the car pulled out of. He stopped the car 500 or so feet away from that driveway.

Five or six cops were on the scene. Not one of them went to the house 500 feet away to confirm any details provided to them by the driver.

Giving your name is all that is required. The driver did this in addition to providing ownership and insurance.

The cop cannot arrest the driver in this case as evidenced in s. 33 and 217.

Even if he could, the cop made no effort to confirm the drivers real name. He took him to the station and still didnt confirm his name then released him.

He had the mother at the scene eventually and didnt release him then either, but still took him down town and never confirmed his identity before releasing him.

The cop was required to take him before a JP or justice. He didnt do this either.

The charged laid isnt even an arrestable offence since its a dual procedure offence.

The driver was charged with resisting arrest on an offence he was never arrested or charge with. LOL

Come on Bear, I know one of your blue gang members is in a lot of trouble here, but even you have to admit this case is laughable.

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Unread post by CoolChick »

Also if everyone without picture ID on their body or close at hand when stopped in a vehicle (and stopped for no good reason after following said car from the owners own residence I might add ) there would be a hell of a lot of people being arrested for no good reason.

Last edited by CoolChick on Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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