
Disobey Stop Sign.136(1)(0). Not Remmeber If I Stopped Or No

Author: EastWind2009

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Disobey Stop Sign.136(1)(0). Not Remmeber If I Stopped Or No

Unread post by EastWind2009 »


This is my first post and I got first ticket in life (Disobey Stop sign $110 fine with 3 demerit points).

A police officer stopped me and said I didn't stop at stop sign at all at (some street in Windsor Ontario). He stopped me 1 Km far from that stop sign. He said I didn't bother to slow down and passed almost at 50 speed from that stop sign. I was not sure I did that or not. I tried to recall but its everyday route. I have three stop signs before getting road and I follow everyday all stop signs. Just not sure if I really passed at 50 speed or not stopped fully.

Anyways, Officer said I have 3 choices etc. I was thinking to go court and select option 2 so that I would have strong chances my points will be waived. But I found this forum. Now I am thinking to go for option 3 TRIAL.

How could I defense myself I am not remember if I stopped or not.

Please help

Its 4th day after ticket. I have to decide what to do.


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Unread post by liveontheedge »

If you choose option 3, I don't know about windsor but in toronto court the crown will offer a plea bargain with less fine and no point at trial date

However you only take the plea bargain if the cop shows up; if he does not, opt for trial, the crown had no choice but to withdraw the charge.

In case it goes to trial, if you don't remember whether you stopped or not then don't take the witness stand, let the Crown prove the charge.

Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2009 3:03 pm

Unread post by EastWind2009 »

I talked to ticket defender and they said they will remove points and will make it small conviction.

Lets see

Thanks for reply

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