
Disobey Sign - 182(2) - No Signature On Ticket?

Author: jacob2932

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Disobey Sign - 182(2) - No Signature On Ticket?

Unread post by jacob2932 »

I got pulled over (along with about 10 other cars) for going through a road closed sign. I had just pulled out of a parking lot pretty much right beside the road closed sign, and with about 4 cars behind me there wasn't much I could do but go through, so I think I have a good chance of fighting it. However, on my ticket under the Signature of issuing Provincial Offences Officer, it's left blank, and there's no signature anywhere on the ticket, only the printed name of the officer on the top of the ticket.

If I fight it, will it be dismissed because of the missing signature? Or should I just try and fight it with my explanation and not bring up the fact that there is no signature on the ticket?



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the ticket is hand written, and there is no signature, so I think I should be okay. Thanks alot!

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Unread post by jacob2932 »

Finally got a trial date - September 2nd.

I haven't requested disclosure, as I figure I don't need it. It's been over 6 months since the ticket, and from what I've read, the officer can't correct the mistake of not signing the ticket now can he?

Should I be bringing the pictures I took with me to court just in case I have to actually enter a plea? Or is this a sure thing that the ticket will be thrown out?


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ticketcombat wrote:He may of signed the other copies. Request disclosure including the certificate of offence to be sure.

never done the request disclosure thingy....but would just bringing in the actual received notice be good your worship, no signature on my copy?

Above is merely a suggestion/thought and in no way constitutes legal advice or views of my employer.
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Any chance I'm going to get disclosure in 2 weeks?

Also, is this type of charge going to affect my insurance if convicted? I thought it was a sure thing that it was going to get thrown out before, now I'm worried.

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Unread post by ticketcombat »

hwybear wrote:
ticketcombat wrote:He may of signed the other copies. Request disclosure including the certificate of offence to be sure.

never done the request disclosure thingy....but would just bringing in the actual received notice be good your worship, no signature on my copy?

With some jurisdictions you have to hand over the ticket to request a trial so sometimes the defendant does not have their original.

Technically, primarily with default proceedings, the court doesn't look at what the defendant got, only the certificate of offence that is filed in court. If it has a signature then it is regular on its face.

Yes, if the defendant's copy doesn't have a signature then it should kill the ticket. BUT the justice (who is not a lawyer) has to agree. That's why it's best to have a backup plan.

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Unread post by jacob2932 »

When I scheduled the trial, they asked for my ticket, stamped it, and gave it back to me.

I'll prepare a case just to be sure. I stopped right before the road closed sign, there were 3 cars right behind me, and it was too tight to turn around, and the only street available to turn on was a one way street which would have caused me to break another law.

Thanks, I'll let you know what happens.

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