
Help - Was Hit With 4 Traffic Tickets At Once, Feel Targeted

Author: dontbother

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Help - Was Hit With 4 Traffic Tickets At Once, Feel Targeted

Unread post by dontbother »

A few months ago, I was hit with 4 traffic tickets at once, and I really felt targeted.

This happened downtown Toronto and in one stop, I received the following tickets:

RED LIGHT - FAIL TO STOP - Section 144(18)

IMPROPER RIGHT TURN - Section 141(2)



I was polite and cooperative with the officer, however he did not listen to a word I had to say.

I did not run a red light, and I did not make an improper right turn. I believe intersection has a red-light camera, which I never received any red light camera violation from. Furthermore, I provided the officer with a photocopy of my ownership, as well as with my driver's license and insurance paper, yet he gave me a ticket. Also my address has not changed in the last 3 years, and he gave me a ticket for that.

Can anyone suggest what to do? I had my first court date in June, and didn't have a chance to seek a paralegal and have been extremely busy with school (I am a student) which prevented me from researching my options earlier. I now have a SET DATE for July 22, which I believe I will need to tell them what I intend to do.

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Re: Help - Was Hit With 4 Traffic Tickets At Once, Feel Targ

Unread post by bend »

dontbother wrote:I was polite and cooperative with the officer, however he did not listen to a word I had to say.

The side of the road isn't a courtroom. Don't take it personal. Probably best you didn't say too much anyways.

dontbother wrote:I did not run a red light, and I did not make an improper right turn. I believe intersection has a red-light camera, which I never received any red light camera violation from.

Not all red light boxes are occupied. I believe they rotate them as a way of saving money. It also helps keep people on their toes and cautious without the extra costs.

There isn't enough detail regarding your the circumstances of your red light and right turn tickets, so it's hard to comment.

dontbother wrote:Furthermore, I provided the officer with a photocopy of my ownership, as well as with my driver's license and insurance paper, yet he gave me a ticket. Also my address has not changed in the last 3 years, and he gave me a ticket for that.

There must have been something he saw that he didn't like in your permit.

As for your address, is there an address on your proof of insurance that is different from the one on your license?

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