
Hey, Urgent Help Required? Regarding Prosecutor Plea Deal.

Author: TruckdriverPB

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Hey, Urgent Help Required? Regarding Prosecutor Plea Deal.

Unread post by TruckdriverPB »

Hi greetings

Does anyone has any clue that is this true?? HTA 170(12) Parking on roadway interfere with traffic is actually a bylaw and does not show on abstract. :evil:

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Re: Hey, Urgent Help Required? Regarding Prosecutor Plea Deal.

Unread post by TruckdriverPB »

Yes sir thanks for the link, but i want to know will this show on driver s abstract.

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Re: Hey, Urgent Help Required? Regarding Prosecutor Plea Deal.

Unread post by bend »

TruckdriverPB wrote: Fri Jan 07, 2022 6:29 pm

Does anyone has any clue that is this true?? HTA 170(12) Parking on roadway interfere with traffic is actually a bylaw and does not show on abstract. :evil:

Well no, you're still being charged under the Highway Traffic Act. I think I get what you're saying, which is probably something like:

"Is this charge the equivalent of a municipal bylaw parking ticket? The kind my city hands out with their parking enforcement officers for, lets say, overnight parking on the street."

Vehicles interfering with traffic

(12) Despite the other provisions of this section, no person shall park or stand a vehicle on a highway in such a manner as to interfere with the movement of traffic or the clearing of snow from the highway. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 170 (12).

There are various types of scenarios where this charge can be used. It's not necessarily about parking and leaving your car.

If the parking aspect of the charge allows for you to be charged as the owner of the vehicle and not the driver, then it wouldn't show up on your abstract or impact insurance. Otherwise, it probably would.

Maybe others can chime in because I'm not 100% sure on this one.

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