
How Would You Deal With This?

Author: viper1

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How Would You Deal With This?

Unread post by viper1 »

I always take a look at the big picture around me and this what I saw.

Today going west on the 401 just before the Brock street entrance ramp.

(right across from the OPP.)

I see a car entering the ramp with it's signal on to merge it is going about 60 km.

Then it slows down and stops at the henry street bridge.(still about 1/4 mile of lane to get up to speed.?)

I watch in my rear view as another car comes up be-hind and is stuck also.

I cannot think of a reason to stop in this fashion.

I was long past whenever this was resolved but I wonder what is the best way to deal with it?

Honk,pass her on the shoulder or start crying as you are late?



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Unread post by tdrive2 »

Well someone going that speed on the 401 really should not be on it and should have taken another road. I would just drive by what can you. You could call *OPP but i would only call that for very dangerous situations. Sometimes i will just flash my lights but they get mad.

There has been a few times where people are driving with all lights off and they get mad at me for trying to help them......

I would just stick to my own business and not inconvenience anyone.

Your best bet would be *OPP if it was really bad (old man going 50 on highway etc)

The cop would probably come and tell them they should not use this road if they dont feel safe at the speed limit as they are making it a hazard and dangerous for others.

I wonder what bear has to say on this. On a second though this person could be under the influence of alcohol and drugs and can not drive properly and is a danger.

Although i rarely will ever dial *OPP. The last time i did there was a sleepy trucker who kept wondering all over the place and changing speeds, and the time before that there was some guy in a car who was actually trying to intimidate, kill, or threaten other cars which obviously are both potentially hazardous situations.

Although if this was late at night and he was in the right lane by himself i wouldn't do anything.

Although if this was a busy time and he was doing this in a passing lane he would be causing a big disturbance and i would call right away before an accident happens.

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Unread post by viper1 »

tdrive2 wrote:Well someone going that speed on the 401 really should not be on it and should have taken another road. I would just drive by what can you. You could call *OPP but i would only call that for very dangerous situations. Sometimes i will just flash my lights but they get mad.

There has been a few times where people are driving with all lights off and they get mad at me for trying to help them......

I would just stick to my own business and not inconvenience anyone.

Your best bet would be *OPP if it was really bad (old man going 50 on highway etc)

The cop would probably come and tell them they should not use this road if they dont feel safe at the speed limit as they are making it a hazard and dangerous for others.

I wonder what bear has to say on this. On a second though this person could be under the influence of alcohol and drugs and can not drive properly and is a danger.

Although i rarely will ever dial *OPP. The last time i did there was a sleepy trucker who kept wondering all over the place and changing speeds, and the time before that there was some guy in a car who was actually trying to intimidate, kill, or threaten other cars which obviously are both potentially hazardous situations.

Although if this was late at night and he was in the right lane by himself i wouldn't do anything.

Although if this was a busy time and he was doing this in a passing lane he would be causing a big disturbance and i would call right away before an accident happens.

It was the on ramp.

they went down it and then stopped half way to the end there was still about 400 meters to speed up.

Strange but I donot think she was drunk just confused.



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Unread post by Bookm »

She just doesn't understand how freeway driving works. It happened to me once. I was coming down on on-ramp to enter the 400. I'm just about to put the boots to it (!) when I see a car ahead stopped in the acceleration lane. I decided to pull off to the right and reverse up the ramp a ways, and wait. I know reversing on a public highway is illegal, but so what... it was my best option.

BTW... Punching it from 0 to 120kph in such a short distance was well worth the wait ;) (what a glorious sound)

I explain to anyone who will listen that they need not worry about running out of acceleration space. The worst that could happen is no one will let you in and you might have to transition to the gravel should when the pavement runs out. It's just like driving on a country road, so no biggy!

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Unread post by Squishy »

I'd honk as I passed, but otherwise, what can you do?

Bookm - sometimes there's a bridge support right at the end of the on-ramp, so you're stuck with what road you've got. But, in my experience, when it gets to the point that no one will let you in, then traffic has slowed to below 40 km/h and everyone is bumper-to-bumper. Otherwise, you either can't judge the merging space you need, or you live in Brampton. :D

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Unread post by Reflections »

I'd use a 1979 P/U with a real steel bumper and move the dummy.......She can thak me later for the savings on fuel :D :D :D :D :D OR
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